Monday, March 25, 2019

Code of coduct

The following Code of Conduct applies to EUO staff and summarises both the standards of conduct which reflect our values and that we uphold, and the types of unacceptable conduct that are incompatible with these values.   The purpose of this code of conduct is to ensure that those working with UDC behave in ways which:
·         Promote mutual trust and respect between staff and the people we work with
·         Enable staff to perform their duties effectively
·         Protect all staff and those we work with
·         Protect UDC ’s reputation
In making these commitments public we hold ourselves accountable for our conduct to each other, to our partners and to the project participants and communities where we work.
Our values & positive conduct
Those who work with UDC are expected to behave in ways that honour UDC’s mission and vision. As an individual working with EUO, I will be:
·         Compassionate, valuing individual and community relationships, identifying with the situations faced by those we assist and showing understanding and concern
·         Servant-hearted, working with humility, seeking to serve and encourage others and to model good leadership
·         EUO , being honest and transparent in every interaction, avoiding false promises, seeking and speaking truth
·         Courageous, action oriented in my approach, speaking out for the voiceless and upholding justice and fairness  
·         Respectful at all times, listening and treating others with dignity, without discrimination, distinction or favouritism
·         Forgiving and tolerant, seeking to work well together and with others, with those who share different beliefs and to resolve personal conflict
·         Sensitive to local cultural and religious norms and standards of behaviour, whilst questioning any norms that contradict the values above or are perceived as potentially harmful to others

Unacceptable conduct

There are types of conduct which contradict UDC s values. UDC  has staff policies which explain these forms of unacceptable conduct in detail. I understand that a breach of this Code of Conduct will lead to disciplinary action and may lead to my dismissal.  As an individual when working with UDC, I will:
·         Ensure my personal and professional conduct is of the highest standard and in keeping with UDC’s mission, values and beliefs, policies and practices.  This includes observing local laws, being sensitive to local culture, attending to my duties during my contractual working hours and performing my duties to a satisfactory standard.
·         Avoid involvement with any criminal activity, including theft and fraud. 
·         Refrain from activities that are corrupt, or give, take, receive or ask for any gifts, favours or goods that may be viewed or perceived as a bribe.
·         Not discriminate or show favouritism to others, or misuse my authority as a UDC member of staff.    
·         Not sexually exploit or sexually harass other individuals  
·         Not undertake any form of unsafe, manipulative or abusive behaviour with children (below 18 years of age)
·         Not be aggressive or violent, harass, bully, verbally or physically abuse other individuals.
·         Not work under the influence of alcohol or use, or be in possession of, illegal substances.
·         Adhere to UDC health, safety and security policies and procedures and avoid any unnecessary risk to the health, safety and security of myself and others, including partner organisations and beneficiaries.
·         Be responsible for the use of information and resources to which I have access whilst working with UDC.
·         Avoid activities outside of working hours that would compromise the work of EUO or bring UDC into disrepute
UDC requests that our staff report any breaches of this Code of Conduct and I will therefore inform UDC of any conduct which contravenes this Code of Conduct using the appropriate mechanism. EUO requests our partners and the project participants and communities where we work to report any situations where the staff may be breaking this Code of Conduct. 
I declare I have read, understood and will up hold's Code of Conduct whilst working with UDC

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