Monday, March 25, 2019

Organization’s constitution


Name, Address and Logo
Area of operation, population, Category, Supremacy and Registration Mission Statement

Management Structure of the Organization

Election of members to Power
Dissolution of the Organization

Taking into consideration that every human being is entitled to basic needs such as food, clean safe drinking water, good health, education and shelter.
Seeing the fact that man’s life is empty without god and that he/ she can be totally different by inviting God to reign in his/ her life, And that there is a need for those who are enlightened to empower the marginalized communities of South Darfur.
Knowing that peace, reconciliation and team work are some basic tools for a realistic change,

EUO agree upon the following articles:
Article 1
Name, Address and Logo

a)    Name United Darfur Committees
The name shall be United Darfur Committees UDC for peace ,Health ,Human rights capacity , building , stability  and development and shall be abbreviated as UDC

b)   Address
The official address of UDC shall be
    Hay ElSALAM  
Tel: +249918869062            +249122822336
Article 2
Area of operation, population, Category, Supremacy and Registration:

a)    Area of Operation
UDC For the start shall concentrate its activities within East Darfur state unless requested. However it shall extend its activities to other states consequently covering the whole of Darfur

b)   Population
UDC .shall work with approximately 1.million people in East Darfur state
c)    Category
UDC. Shall fall under national non governmental Organization (N.N.G.O)
d)   Supremacy
The Constitution shall be the supreme law of the organization.
e)    Registration
The organization shall legally be registered under the humanitarian aid commission (HAC)

Article 3
a)    The Mission Statement
UDC. Mission statement is peace, development, and empowerment of the marginalized communities of East Darfur so that they could realize their full potentials in socio-economic development

b)   Objectives
                          i.    To give skills to the youth, women, employees and vulnerable groups through trainings
                        ii.    To advocate for gender equity
                       iii.    To promote the spirit of self reliance
                       iv.    To promote unity, peace and reconciliation since UDC
                        v.    is a non tribal organization
                       vi.    To sensitize the communities on good sanitation and hygiene practices
                      vii.    to promote agriculture and livelihood among the communities in Sudan
                    viii.    To revive and modify cultures that hinder ways of meeting the millennium development goals
                       ix.    To share and sustain  god’s love in Sudan
                        x.    To provide safe clean water
                       xi.    promote community development in all forms

Article 4
a)    Membership
                          i.    Membership is open to all committed Sudanese nationals
                        ii.    Membership shall be from 18 years of age and above
                       iii.    Membership shall be restricted to committed honest persons
                       iv.    Membership shall be attained after paying the subscription fee stated in this same Article 4 b) below
                        v.    Membership shall be attained after the applicant form has been approved by the Board

b)   Membership Fee and Subscription Fee
Membership fee shall be 18.5 SDG or its equivalence 2 in US$ per person which is payable in two installments of 9.25 Sudanese pounds per installment to UDC’s account

c)    Rights and Duties of Members
  1. Duties
a.    Members shall adhere to the contribution of UDC.
b.    Members shall attend UDC.  meetings regularly and punctually
c.    Members shall execute any duties assigned
d.    Members shall cooperate among themselves
e.    Members shall promote good moral behaviors
f.     Members shall show a high degree of commitment and hardworking
g.    Members shall promote spirit of team work
h.    Members shall pay the quarterly subscription fee required by UDC.

               2. Rights
a.    Members shall have the right to attend meetings unless specified
b.    Members shall have the right to vote or be voted
c.    Members shall have the right to know the bank statement of UDC.  following legal procedures during working hours
d.    Members have the right to transact on behalf of UDC when given the go ahead
e.    Members shall have the right when called to attend capacity building courses organized by UDC
f.     Members have the right to use properties of UDC.  when executing duties for UDC

d)   Code of Conduct
                          i.    Members shall not steal
                        ii.    Members shall not practice smoking, alcoholism and indulge in immoral acts
                       iii.    Abusing, gossiping, fighting  are not allowed
                       iv.    Misappropriation of funds is not allowed
                        v.    Members are prohibited from damaging the reputation of UDC.
                       vi.    Fraud shall not be tolerated
                      vii.    Indecent dressing is prohibited
                    viii.    Abuse of work by members shall not be entertained
                       ix.    Members shall report to duties on time and regularly
                        x.    Repeated poor performance shall not be entertained
                       xi.    A member who damages any property of the organization shall be required to recover

e)    Cessation of Membership
                          i.    Death ceases one’s membership
                        ii.    A member shall cease membership after failing to pay subscription fee for 2 years.

f)     Resignation & Termination from Membership
                          i.    Any member is free to terminate his/ her membership after notifying the Board three months in advance and shall be entitled for membership fee refund only.
                        ii.    A member can be terminated depending on the weight of the offence committed and no claim for membership or subscription fee refund

Article 5
a)  Management Structure of the Organization
1. The Board of Trustees
This shall comprise of the following
                          i.    The Chairperson
                        ii.    The Secretary
                       iii.    The Treasurer
                       iv.    Advisors
                        v.    Members

2.    The Staff Body
This shall comprise of all the employees of UDC.  And shall be headed by the Director. Its’ structure shall flow as follows
                          I.    Director
                        II.    Project Coordinators
                       III.    Logistic/Administrator/Finance Office
                      IV.    Extension Workers/ Technicians
                       V.    Drivers
                      VI.    Guards
                     VII.    Cleaners/ Cooks

b)  Roles and Duties
1.    The Board of Trustees
2.    there will be also the camp coordination meetings as the safe situations and emergency rhymes
These are the founder members of UDC.  and shall be responsible for the following
                          i.    They oversee all the activities
                        ii.    Carry out regular auditing
                       iii.    Lobby for funds
                       iv.    Organize Board meetings
                        v.    Their decision on disciplinary cases are final
                       vi.    The Board shall approve recruitment of staff
                      vii.    The Board shall approve registration of members
                    viii.    The Board shall approve any partnership project undertaking with any NGO, CBO, Company etc
                       ix.    The Board shall be responsible for policy making
                        x.    The Board shall be a signatory to the bank
                       xi.    The Board shall be responsible for managing the human resource of the organization

2.     The Board Chairperson
                          i.    He/ she shall be the head of the Board of Trustees
                        ii.    Chairs all Board meetings
                       iii.    Initiates project proposals and ensures that they are sent out for donations
                       iv.    He/ she shall be a signatory to the bank
                        v.    Shall update the Board on the progress of UDC’s activities
                       vi.    Shall compile reports of funded projects and submit to the donors
                      vii.    Shall be responsible for signing any partnership undertaking
                    viii.    Shall ensure that all staff are briefed on the policies of UDC. He/ she shall represent MODP  in external meetings, ceremonies etc
                       ix.    He/ she with the help of the Treasurer shall ensure that finances are used for UDC. ’s projects
                        x.    Shall present applicants’ form to the Board for assessment
                       xi.    The Chairperson shall approve finances for project activities

3.    The Treasurer
                          i.    He/ she shall manage UDC.  finances
                        ii.    Shall be a signatory to the bank
                       iii.    Shall release finances with the approval of the Board Chairperson
                       iv.    Shall prepare payment vouchers/ receipts
                        v.    Shall ensure that UDC’s account is properly updated
                       vi.    Shall prepare budgets and present to the Board of discussion
                      vii.    Shall carry out financial transaction of UDC. .
                    viii.    Shall handle all the income and expenditure of the organization
                       ix.    Shall ensure that pledges, subscription fee, registration fee and any donation to UDC. are followed
                        x.    Shall be responsible for any misappropriation of funds
                       xi.    He/ she together with the director and project coordinator  shall be the internal auditors of the organization
                      xii.    Shall do any other duty that may be assigned by the Board Chairperson and director
                xiii.        Shall prepare books of accounts ready any time for inspection by external auditors

4.     The Secretary
                          i.    He/ she shall be responsible for taking minutes during Board meetings
                        ii.    Shall ensure proper filing of the organization’s documents
                       iii.    Shall be responsible for incoming and outgoing correspondences
                       iv.    Shall type all the documents of UDC.
                       vi.    Shall do any duty as assigned by the Board Chairperson
                      vii.    Shall ensure that all minutes of meetings of the staff members are analyzed and filed

5.    The Advisors
                          i.    They shall advise the Board on matters of importance
                        ii.    Shall sell the activities of the organization to the outsiders
                       iii.    Shall take major role in handling disciplinary issues
                       iv.    shall help in preparation of the proposals for funding and advice as per

Article 6
a)    Election of Members to power
Members shall be elected to office democratically by simple majority following legal procedures

b)   Voters and Quorums
                          i.    All members shall be eligible to vote or be voted
                        ii.    The quorum shall be ⅔ of the general assembly

c)    Term of Office
The term of office shall be two years thereafter elections shall be held. Any member may retain his/ her seat when re-elected

d)   Bye Election
                          i.    Any member elected may be subject to vote of no confidence if deemed in competent or committing serious misconduct and this shall be approved by the Board
                        ii.    The Board shall appoint temporary person to fill in the vacancy until election is organized

Article 7
a)    Meeting
                      i.        There shall be different categories of meetings and members shall attend accordingly UDC
                    ii.        The meetings shall discuss matters pertaining to
                   iii.        Any member shall be seconded to attend external meetings/ functions on behalf of UDC.
                   iv.        Members shall discuss their opinions openly. There shall be no suppression/ interruption when a member is giving an opinion
                    v.        Any matter discussed in a meeting shall not be personalized

b)   The Minutes
                      i.        Every meeting shall have minutes taken and produced out within four days
                    ii.        Minutes shall be ready and confirmed in the next meeting by three members present in the previous meeting. Copies of minutes of the Staff meetings shall be distributed to the Board, Director and File 

c)    The Staff Meeting
                      i.        This shall be held at different levels of the organization and shall be called and chaired by the Project Coordinators/ Administration
                    ii.        There shall be also meetings called and chaired by the Director which may target selected staff

d)   Extra Ordinary Meeting
This shall be attended by the Board on matters of emergency. It shall comprise of those directly involved

e)    The Board Meeting
                      i.        This shall be strictly for the Board members and shall be called by the Chairperson of the Board
                    ii.        This meeting shall be held any time and any where felt convenient

f)     Proceedings at the Meetings
                          i.    The Chairperson of the meeting shall take sole note of proceedings during the meeting
                        ii.    Views/ opinions are shared one after the other
                       iii.    Points of order and clarification shall only be allowed by the Chairperson of the meeting
                       iv.    Any member wishing to express his/ her opinion shall raise hand to be allowed and shall consequently be allowed by the Chairperson
                        v.    Members shall maintain high degree of respect during meeting
                       vi.    There shall be no micro meetings within any meeting
                      vii.    A member shall not be allowed  into a meeting room after 30 minutes of the scheduled time
                    viii.    Discussions shall be restricted only to the agenda
                       ix.    Agenda for the next meetings shall be produced 24 hours before the next meeting

Article 8
a)    Finances
UDC shall have a bank account in any of the recognized financial institutions operating in East Darfur and Sudan

UDC. Shall have two signatories to the bank and those shall be
·         The director.
·         The Treasurer.
·         Program/executive manager.

Proceeds that shall be realized from the organization’s Income Generating Activities shall be remitted to the bank within 48 hours

The two signatories to the bank are subject to change when deemed necessary by the Board

      b)  Sources of Finance
UDC. Shall raise its finances from:
                          i.    Membership fee
                        ii.    Subscription fee
                       iii.    Donations
                       iv.    Plaques
                        v.    Fundraising
                       vi.    Loan

      c)   Projects
                          i.    The projects of UDC shall be supported by its manager financial resources. However, proposals shall be submitted for donation to support the undertaking of projects
                        ii.    Non Governmental Organizations, donors, Government Secretariats, Community Based Organizations, Religious institutions and individuals willing to support the activities of UDC.  shall be highly welcomed and appreciated

      d)  Utilization of Finances and Resources
                          i.    All Project Coordinators shall submit their quarterly request to the Director who will in turn compile and submit to the Board Chairperson for approval
                        ii.    Financial resources shall only be used to implement the projects of the organization
                       iii.    Finances and other resources of the organization shall be directed according to priority
                       iv.    All resources of the organization shall be monitored by the Board
      e)  Auditing and Inspecting Books of Accounts
                          i.    All books of accounts shall be open for inspection at any convenient time
                        ii.    External auditor shall be invited to inspect UDC’s books of accounts at least once in a years
       f)  Financial Year
December of every year shall be UDC’s financial year

Article 9
a)    Dissolution of the Organization
UDC. Shall not be dissolved due to bankruptcy, death or other natural calamities since its activities are self sustaining

b)   Disposal of Assets
EUO shall dispose her used assets or donate to other CBOs with similar or related objectives when deemed necessary

c)    Partnership
UDC. Shall work in partnership with other NGOs, CBOs and Companies that look forward to meeting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals after signing a memorandum of understanding

Article 10
This Constitution is subject to amendment where necessary and the quorum for amendment shall be ⅔ of the Board members

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