United Darfur Committees
Eldaein Main Office
Elsalam Area
Eldaein city (East Darfur
Email; udc.cd.org@gmail.com
Finance Policies and procedures
and procedures follow the regulations set in the UDC
Programme Management System. The forms of
Programme Management System should be used.
Cash Transactions
In Eldaein and areas of interventions SDG cash
is kept.
For each payment a payment
voucher (from the pre- numbered payment voucher book) is filled in
duplicate. The original copy goes to the accountant and one copy remains in the
voucher book. Every payment needs to be authorized before payment (in Eldaein normally by the Director or program manager in
field offices by the head of offices
Supporting documents (supply request forms,
purchase requisition forms, reception notes, quotations, (pro forma) invoices,
receipts) are attached to the payment voucher before filing. In case the final
recipient of the money doesn’t sign for receiving the money on the payment
voucher, a receipt of the recipient should be attached to the payment voucher.
After a payment has been made, the supporting documents are stamped ‘PAID’.
For each amount that is received into
the cash box a receipt is filled in triplicate. The original copy
of the receipt is given to the person who pays the money. One copy will go to
the accountant and one copy remains in the receipt book.
The cashier registers all cash
transactions on the cash sheet or in a cash book.
staff in each of the UDC
. Offices can make a joint decision to limit
cash payments to only specific times of the day.
After approval of a payment, payments
are normally made the same or the following working day.
counts are done at the end of every week AND the end of every month by
the cashier and his/her supervisor or the accountant. The amount of
physical cash should correspond with the balance in the cash sheet and the
balance in the accounting program (UDC
manager). After counting the cash a cash
control form is filled.
cashier is responsible for the correct amount of money in the cash box.
If there is a negative cash difference, the difference is paid by the cashier.
In case of a positive difference the amount is added to the cash and reconciled
in the cash book. Both decisions will be taking after thorough checks only.
documents from field office:
the cash in Seliha ,Abu hadeed
,etc the cash sheet, receipts, payment vouchers, cash control forms and
supporting documents are sent by the head of Office to the accountant in
Eldaein after the end of each month. The
accountant in the programme office should have received these financial
documents the latest the 10th of the following month.
In case payments can not be made directly from the cash
box, staff can request for a work advance.
Work advances are paid by using a payment
In field offices the maximum amount
for a work advance is 100 SDG.
A person can have not more than one
advance at one moment in time.
Advances should be closed within five
days, unless somebody is travelling. In case of travelling the advance will
be closed within five days after return from the trip.
When accounting for an advance, the person
who received the advance fills a cash float voucher. When the
person who received the advance pays back part of the money to the cashier, a
receipt is filled by the cashier; one copy will be given to the person paying
back the money and one copy will be attached to the cash float voucher. When
the person who received the advance overspent and receives money from the
cashier, a payment voucher is filled. One copy of the payment voucher is
attached to the cash float voucher.
Advances are booked and controlled by
finance Manager. However the cashier can keep a record of which advances
have been paid and which advances have been closed, as to keep track of
outstanding advances.
When an advance is paid, the amount of
the advance is booked as a payment in the cash book. When closing the advance:
first the original amount of the advance is booked as income in the cash book,
then the expenditures made from the advance are booked as payments in the cash
When payments that were made from an
advance are booked when an advance has been accounted for, the date of closing
the advance has to be used as booking date (also in case an advance was
received in the previous month, or when some of the expenditures were made in
the previous month).
staff who wants to claims money from UDC
for expenses they made for the programme using
their own money, he/she will fill a reimbursement form.
Reimbursement will be paid out after approval, using a payment vouchers. The
reimbursement form will be attached to the payment voucher, together with other
relevant documents, like receipts et cetera. Normally reimbursements are paid
out on the same or following working day as the approval of the reimbursement.
persons are Signatories to the bank accounts.
of 700 SDG or more should normally be made by cheque. All cheques that are used
for payments are made ‘Account Payable only’. Only in special cases the
Programme Manager or Director can decide to deviate from this rule.
A bank
payment voucher is filled when making a payment by cheque and the
cheque is photocopied on the voucher. The Accountant records the
financial transactions of the bank accounts, in order to be able to know the balances
of the accounts at any time. The bank payment voucher is filed together with
supporting documents.
the end of each month bank statements are collected and received
by the Accountant. The Accountant fills the bank statements for
the future donor reference
Payments to staff
Payroll and salary vouchers are
printed by the Accountant in Eldaein and approved by the Director,
normally on the 26th of the month. Payroll and salary slips
for field staff are sent to respective field office.
Staff working in the field offices can
request to also receive their full salaries in a bank account upon their
medical costs
of medical costs are taxable, and the refunds are therefore included on the payroll
and paid out together with the salary payments. In head Offices and the
Country Office keep in an Excel sheet track of the amounts of refund of medical
costs that are paid to UDC staff during the year. The
Accountant in Eldaein Office is responsible for sending monthly,
the latest on the 20th of the month, a refund request form
with an overview of the refunds per staff that is approved (signed) by the
Programme Manager to the Accountant in Eldaein, who will then
include the amounts on the payroll.
grants are paid to staff in their duty station. The Accountant or Admin
Officer in the location will keep records of the paid leave grants.
allowances are paid at the head Office
of employment payments
of employment payments are calculated by the Accountant in Eldaein Also
the amount UDC
for the employee to social insurance is calculated by the Accountant in Main
office . Making these payments and signing the social insurance document
should only be done after a ‘go ahead’ is given by the Director. The Director
will for this decision rely on information provided by the Programme Manager
regarding handing over by the employee, and information about outstanding
advances / other financial issues provided by the Accountant in Nyala.
for making entries in UDC Manager When entering
transactions into UDC
the following rules apply:
for cash transactions in the field offices, cash and bank transactions should
be booked in UDC
Manager up to date on daily basis.
The following financial transactions
are booked , as they are booked on balance accounts:
- Transfers
from bank account to bank account
- Transfers
from bank account to cash box (withdrawal)
- Transfers
from cash box to cash box
- Payments
of salaries, income tax and social insurance
- Payments
and repayments of work advances
- Payments
and repayments of salary advances
- Entries
regarding assets that are booked on the balance
- Changes
in asset provision
- Depreciation
of assets.
When entering payments of fuel: the
number of litres of fuel and the vehicle number are mentioned in the
When entering cheque payments, the cheque number is mentioned at the beginning of the description (for example:
“#2156 Cupboard for Gereida office”).
for the projects/programmes are developed by the Programme Manager and
approved by the Director. The Programme Manager has also the
responsibility to monitor the spending compared to the budget.
can make budgets for specific activities that fall within the budget of a
project. These budgets will be approved by the Programme Manager.
is booked by the Accountant in the location where the donor income is
Managers monitor
the income of their projects and, if necessary, either follow up with donors by
themselves, or request the Director to do this at Eldein level
Financial Management Information
booked in UDC
is exchanged regularly (normally weekly) between field office and Nyala office
by sending and receiving exchange files by e-mail. As after creating an
exchange file it is not possible to make changes to entries in the simple entry
screen, the Accountant in the field Office should make sure that all entries
that have been booked are correct, before an exchange file will be created.
reports can be printed from Eldeain office.
by ...board of directors ..................
Finance Policies and procedures
United Darfur Committees